Reporting time for all students is 9:00 AM
Attending regular classes is mandatory for all students beginning from the first      day of the semester to the last day.
When on campus, ID cards are compulsory.
The following concerns must be informed to the college office without any delay:
     1. Loss of ID card
     2. Loss of Library Card
     3. Change of address
     4. Change of contact number
Mobile phones are prohibited in the campus, once confiscated will not be      returned.

Smoking, chewing of pan masala / ghutka, consuming alcoholic drinks      and drugs of any kind in the campus is strictly prohibited.
Strike or any such activities in the campus are prohibited and those      caught involved in such activities will be severely punished.
Students shall take prior permission before availing leave and leave letters      shall be countersigned by parents/guardians /hostel wardens.
Hostel students shall abide by the rules and regulations of the hostel.
Students are advised to park vehicles in the specified area and its      mandatory to wear helmets while riding two-wheeler vehicles.

About us

Karnataka ReddyJana Sangha (KRJS) which symbolizes the collective philanthropic responses of the society to the academic demand of modern India. From a humble beginning in 1925, it has covered great strides in the field of education.

#1, Mahayogi Vemana Road(100ft. Road),
17th main, 5th Cross, 3rd Block,
Near BDA Complex, Koramangala,
Bangalore - 560 034

Tel:+91 63617 50675


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